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Facing a Data Problem? Consider the Power of Intelligent Data
Direct Mail
March 23, 2023

Facing a Data Problem? Consider the Power of Intelligent Data

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The great American writer Mark Twain once said, "Data is like garbage. You'd better know what you are going to do with it before you collect it." And once you collect that data, you'd better ensure it brings your team value.

In today's competitive landscape, data-driven marketing is more important than ever. However, it's no longer enough just to have data. You need to use it to leverage insights and optimize your marketing campaigns. Whether your goal is greater personalization or supercharging your ROI, investing in data enrichment can be a game-changer.

The benefits of accurate data are immense, but there's one issue: Most marketers agree their data isn't great. Whether your data is siloed or dated, misleading data can cause more harm than good. It's time to end missed sales opportunities that result from a lack of clean, complete data. Every channel can benefit, including direct mail marketing.

Have a data problem? You're not alone

If you're worried about the quality of your data, know you're in good company. Incomplete data is a significant obstacle experienced across most marketing teams. For example, when focusing on the future of selling, 45% of sellers say their biggest data challenge is incomplete data. As a result, campaigns suffer, sales are lost, and marketing budgets often pay the price.

There is a significant data gap regarding critical missing consumer data. 82% of marketerssay high-quality data about their target audience is essential, yet over half lack information. Out-of-date data can destine campaigns to fail.

Direct mail campaigns require accurate data

If you're ready to take your omnichannel strategy to new heights, consider whether a "data problem" has hindered your growth.

Direct mail marketing is a channel strongly influenced by customer data. The implementation of direct mail helps companies across all industries acquire new customers, increase retention rates, boost product adoption, and ensure compliance. Those who are most successful have a good handle on their data.

If you're testing the benefits of direct mail marketing or want to optimize current direct mail processes, remember the potential this channel offers. Research shows direct mail delivers the best ROI, response, and conversion rates, and 74% of marketers agree that direct mail delivers the best ROI of any channel used. Accurate data plays a significant role in the success of these marketers, especially when aiming to automate processes.

When it comes to intelligent direct mail, buyer intent data, lead data, and other actionable insights can make or break your campaigns. Luckily, technology exists to ensure greater campaign personalization and deliverability across channels, including direct mail. You can even connect your CRM and eCommerce platform with your direct mail marketing platform.

Integrating actionable data from platforms outside your direct mail platform allows you to reach better buyers via this highly effective offline channel. This step is one of many ways to improve direct mail marketing data enrichment.

Intelligent data to drive direct mail campaigns that deliver

A core pillar of most marketing and sales campaigns is increasing pipeline and sales velocity by targeting prospects who are ready to buy. Imagine if you could easily get accurate, human-verified, in-market prospects that you currently can't identify. Now imagine being able to quickly and easily get their email address, home address, phone number, and other firmographic and demographic information and connect that to your direct mail marketing campaigns. Consider how that type of data could increase the trajectory of your prospecting.

In a year where 58% of marketers have invested more marketing budget in direct mail, you're under tremendous pressure to deliver results, but that's had to do with incomplete data. 52% of consumers expect campaigns to be personalized for them, so imagine the impact if you could append your existing account data with demographic, firmographic, and contact information. And imagine finally being able to be in the driver's seat of your data by being able to create look-a-like models and predictive analytics, enabling you to grow revenue by replicating successful campaigns.

Ready to learn about the future of direct mail marketing data enrichment? Contact us to learn more and request a demo today!

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