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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Personalization

Get the best tips and tricks for personalized direct mail that will help you stand out from the competition and create memorable customer experiences.

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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Personalization

Remember the light bulb moment when we as marketers added first names to email subject lines? Open rates went through the roof! People were excited to get a personalized email that was relevant to them and their interests. Let’s replicate that same excitement but in our customers’ physical mailboxes this time around. In this guide we are sharing the best tips and tricks to personalized direct mail that will help you stand out from the competition, create the memorable customer experiences that consumers crave, and get you the most out of your direct mail ROI.

The importance of personalizing marketing content 

Personalization is key to engaging consumers in today’s marketplace. Personalization is proven to increase response and conversion rates.

Personalization levels up

The connection personalization makes isn’t just emotional - it translates into value. You know that personalized direct mail provides a lot more ROI than traditional static mail.

Direct mail delivers outstanding ROI

Investing in personalized direct mail means making your best channel even better. Enterprise marketers are using direct mail throughout the customer lifecycle, from generating demand to mitigating churn to winning back dormant customers.

Want quick-to-adapt best practices for your marketing strategy? Get connected with a Lob expert today.

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Ready to get started?

Turn direct mail into a conversion machine