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How Encamp Leverages Automated Direct Mail for Streamlined Compliance

“It would be impossible for us to do our job without Lob.”

Ben Jacobs

Chief Technology Officer

Encamp helps environmental teams increase productivity and centralize data across their organizations. At its core, Encamp’s mission is to make processes more efficient for its customers. And by doing so, it's also good for the environment because it makes more accurate information available to the public. In addition, for every report Encamp files for its customers, it plants a tree. Encamp’s customers benefit from both cost and time savings so that their internal environmental staff can spend time and attention on what's most valuable to the company's goals in improving its environmental footprint. 

Given the heavy compliance focus of the insurance industry, Encamp has to ensure the mail pieces it sends on behalf of its customers meet rigorous regulatory requirements and are sent on time every time.  

The Challenge

Between January and February, each year is the peak season for Encamp as it prepares tens of thousands of reports that get shared with state and local agencies.

For a company held to strict regulatory requirements, Encamp could not afford to miss deadlines or have its customers’ mail pieces arrive late or with inaccurate information, or it would face steep fines and risk losing customers. 

Doing the volume of mailings in the time-sensitive environment Encamp had to work in was not scalable or sustainable. 

“It would be multiple people's full-time job for two months, and we simply couldn't have enough staff dedicated to doing mail during that time of the year to make it possible. “ - Ben Jacobs, Chief Technology Officer 

Encamp needed to make a change. 

The Solution

Given its position as a technology solution, it was only natural that Encamp sought a direct mail partner firmly rooted in technology. Lob’s automated direct mail was the solution. Lob seamlessly plugged into Encamp’s tech stack, allowing it to get value and compliance from day one.

Encamp started its journey with Lob on a self-service plan but quickly recognized the volume and complexity of its mailings would greatly benefit from upgrading to an Enterprise plan. Due to Lob's flat-rate pricing, this change enabled Encamp to print large-volume mailings at a more cost-effective price per piece. And, if a change was needed, it could be done at the mail piece level without impacting the rest of the mailing, ensuring Encamp’s mail pieces were printed and delivered on time and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

The Results

Lob's integration streamlined Encamp’s direct mail process, reduced manual tasks, and enabled customer mailings to hit critical and time-sensitive deadlines.

“It would be impossible for us to do our job without Lob.” - Ben Jacobs, Chief Technology Officer 

By upgrading to Lob’s Enterprise plan, Encamp immediately benefited from immediate cost savings. It also realized the added benefits of increased efficiency and productivity, enabling Encamp to reallocate its internal resource toward more value add activities.

And finally, by mitigating its compliance risk and automating its direct mail operations, Encamp’s investment in Lob’s direct mail solution paid for itself immediately.

The future

Encamp is excited about the roadmap ahead and offering its customers higher visibility around mail tracking events and when mail pieces are delivered, given the time-sensitive nature of its customers’ mailings. 

Encamp also plans to continue to see the gains on its investment in direct mail, knowing it has not just a platform but a true partner in Lob. 

Encamp’s implementation of Lob resulted in cost savings, risk mitigation, resource optimization, and improved productivity. By eliminating manual efforts, integrating seamlessly into its existing tech stack, and addressing key challenges, Encamp now enjoys a streamlined and compliant direct mail operation, solidifying its position as a leader in its industry.

To discover how automated direct mail can benefit your business, request a demo and see Lob in action.

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