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How to Automate Your Nonprofit's Donor Acknowledgement Letters

December 7, 2022
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How to Automate Your Nonprofit's Donor Acknowledgement Letters

Meet the Hosts

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Josie Beets, Senior Vice President of Advancement, United Through Reading

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Benedek Blackthorn, Co-Founder & CEO, Veezla

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Christina Louie Dyer, Head of Social Impact & Sustainability, Lob.org

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Lob’s direct mail automation platform has saved our nonprofit customers time and money by automating donor acknowledgement letters, tax statements, and other direct mailers in a scalable and effective way so they can focus on the most mission-critical aspects of their organizations.

Customers like United Through Reading fully automated donor acknowledgement letters and end of year tax receipts through our native integration with Salesforce. 

Watch this webinar to learn how United Through Reading…

  • Personalized and fully automated donor acknowledgement letters
  • Automated additional dedication letters (in honor/memory of), a previously manual process 
  • Streamlined and standardized their year-end tax receipts