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The Secret Ingredient to Lightning-Fast, Predictable Direct Mail

November 16, 2021
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The Secret Ingredient to Lightning-Fast, Predictable Direct Mail

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The world moves fast and consumers expect personalized offers and experiences based on their preferences and purchasing habits. In this fast-paced environment, how do you balance the need for speed with the process of sending direct mail at scale especially when integrating it into your larger omnichannel marketing campaigns? 

In this webinar, Mike Tuffley, Director of Solutions Engineering, will introduce you to the secret ingredient to lighting-fast and predictable direct mail including a live demo. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of the challenges and solutions that exist to turbocharge your direct mail programs like never before. Top mailers refer to it as the secret sauce to their success.   

In a flash, you’ll learn  how to combat these common direct mail challenges:

  • Low visibility
  • Fluctuating costs
  • Batch processing and its impact on targeted campaigns 
  • Unpredictable delivery windows
  • And much, much more

Join us on November 16th at 10am PT/ 1pm EST!