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The Retention Marketer's Playbook

September 3, 2020
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The Retention Marketer's Playbook

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The Retention Marketer’s Playbook

How modern marketers across industries can leverage new technologies to increase engagement and LTV

Retention and customer loyalty is not just a challenge for retail businesses. Customers are flooded with better credit card offers, more favorable insurance rates, and invitations to test out the newest online health providers. This, coupled with acutely challenging economic conditions, means that businesses without focused retention programs and data-savvy teams are at risk.

To better equip retention teams, a coalition of technology companies have come together to provide tools that improve the reach and effectiveness of retention teams. Join us, along with industry leaders Amplitude, and Mintel, as we dive into examples, insight, and best practices from brands that have mastered the retention game.

Session 1: A Data-Driven and Omni-Channel Approach to Retention Marketing, hosted by Lucy Taliaferro, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Lob
Session 2: Mastering Retention: Turn User Behavior Insights into Retention Strategies, hosted by Suyog Desphande, Head of Product Marketing, Amplitude
Session 3: The New Rules of Retention Marketing, hosted by Lily Harder, Senior Director of Marketing Strategy, Mintel
Session 4: Demo: Direct Mail for the Digital Age, hosted by Will Pleskow, Account Executive, Lob