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Predicting the Turn: A Conversation with Dave Knox

December 10, 2020
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Predicting the Turn: A Conversation with Dave Knox

Meet the Hosts

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Digital transformation has become essential for organizations that want to successfully navigate through uncertainty and stay competitive. Those who have started to implement digital transformation initiatives are already benefiting from a more agile, collaborative, scalable, and secure working environment.

Yet this investment in technology and subsequent impact isn’t limited to online communication channels. In fact, incorporating digital transformation for historically offline channels unlocks new omnichannel strategies for engaging customers. At Lob, we’ve seen direct mail’s recent digitization change how companies are thinking about offline communications, making them a strategic arm in a changing competitive landscape.

In Predicting the Turn: A Conversation with Dave Knox you’ll learn:

  • Techniques for future-proofing your company
  • Insights from companies that have succeeded at innovating their direct mail communications strategies
  • Tips on how to engage with industry-disrupting technologies

This webinar is meant to be interactive, so please feel free to send us your questions throughout the conversation!

Dave Knox is a brand marketer, venture investor, and startup advisor that has worked for dozens of companies across the Fortune 500. Dave is a co-founder of Procter & Gamble’s Corporate Digital Strategy team, and The Brandery, one of the top 10 Startup Accelerators in the US. He is the author of Predicting the Turn, which was recognized as the Grand Prix winner in the 2017 Atticus Awards and a Senior Contributor @ Forbes.