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Hot Sauce & Success with Direct Mail Pros

December 9, 2021
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Hot Sauce & Success with Direct Mail Pros

Meet the Hosts

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Have your direct mail campaigns been feeling a bit bland lately? Feel like you could kick it up a notch? Hear the direct mail pros at Lob dish direct mail best practices, inspiration, and success stories from the top mailers in the business including Oscar Health, Verizon, and more while tasting some super spicy sauces.

Topics will include:

Cutting edge direct mail campaigns executed by the Nation's top mailers

Workflow efficiencies to make direct mail less cumbersome and more reliable

Integrations you can leverage to make direct mail even more powerful

A look into USPS service slowdowns, paper shortage news, and other spicy subjects

Meet the Direct Mail Pros:

Michael Tuffley, Director Solutions Engineering
Emilie Begin, Customer Success Manager
Tyler Dornenburg, Head of Partnerships

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