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Data-Driven Direct Mail: Personalization Best Practices

November 15, 2023
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Data-Driven Direct Mail: Personalization Best Practices

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Personalization in marketing is no longer optional. Consumers expect their omnichannel marketing experiences to be as unique as they are.

If you are still using generic copy and creative in your direct mail campaigns, you may be missing out on conversions and leaving ROI on the table. In fact, 68% of consumers say they are more likely to engage with a brand’s message when it’s personalized to them.

In this quick demo, we will show you how to use a direct mail automation platform to increase conversion rates with personalized direct mail.

Watch now to see these personalization best practices in action: 

  • Similar to email sends, leverage merge variables to customize your direct mail campaigns
  • Use your customer data to create tailored experiences that drive conversions
  • Connect with your customers through advanced techniques like 1:1 maps, product images, QR codes, and more

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