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The Direct Mail Tactics Playbook

With this playbook, we’ll walk you through how best to audit your current systems and provide direct mail strategies, tactics and best practices for success.

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The Direct Mail Tactics Playbook

The digital transformation from a well-established and familiar direct mail workflow to a technology led one can be a daunting task. Understanding which systems, channels, and agencies will be affected and how all of those pieces fit together in the new digital world is important for the transition to be a success. 

With this Direct Mail Tactics Playbook, we’ll walk you through how best to audit your current systems and workflows in order to prepare yourself and your team for a successful transition. We’ll also provide direct mail strategies, tactics and best practices for success in the new digital world.

In the Direct Mail Tactics Playbook, you’ll get:

  • A walk through of how to successfully audit your current direct mail workflow and tips in preparing yourself for the transition to a new digitally enabled workflow.
  • A step-by-step tactical guide on direct mail campaign best practices for utilizing technology to work with agencies, execute campaigns, test, and personalize.
  • Tips and tricks from Lob’s years of in-depth experience in working with the top mailers on how to best utilize technology to ensure campaign success.

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Turn direct mail into a conversion machine